Tri-Mach Groups sister company Advance Millwrights is proud to announce the success of their sponsored athlete Alex Hyndman, who in August, placed third place at the Para-Cycling World Championships in Maniago, Italy. With this bronze medal, Alex raises his chances of representing Canada in the 2020 Paralympics.

Alex participates in the men’s H3 category for individual time trial para-cycling, where a single cyclist races though a course to compete for the quickest possible time. In Italy, Hyndman clocked in a time of 21.2058 minutes on the 13.6 kilometer course, finishing only 12.95 seconds behind the gold medalist.

Alex stated the support from Advance Millwrights and triumph from this event brings him “so much closer to my ultimate goal of representing Canada at the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo.”

Advance Millwrights takes pride in supporting members and initiatives within the community, and wishes Alex the best of luck in his future competitions.

 TMGOC Sponsor Sponsor Third Place Para-Cycling World Championships