Portuguese food processor Frulact Group to bring 50+ jobs to Kingston with new plant

From the Kingston Region

The Kingston Economic Development Corporation (KEDCO) and City of Kingston announced Friday that the Portuguese food processor Frulact Group have selected Kingston as the home for a new North American plant and research and development facility. Approximately 50 employees will be hired when the facility opens with more jobs to be added.

Frulact Group is known globally for their fruit based preparations for application in the dairy, ice-cream, beverages, and industrial pastry markets. This announcement marks Frulact’s first presence in Canada.

The approximately 75,000 square foot fruit preparation and processing plant is slated to break ground later this year and open in early fall 2016.

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Jeff Leal noted that food and beverage processing plays a key role in helping grow Ontario’s economy:

“… This new operation will help Ontario’s agri-food industry continue to grow and contribute to the Premier’s Agri-Food Growth Challenge of creating 120,000 new jobs by 2020. We welcome Frulact Canada to the Kingston community and look forward to their role in Ontario’s food and beverage processing sector.”

Read the full article here.

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