In response to COVID-19 and the need for enhanced innovation for employee safety, Tri-Mach Group is thrilled to announce the opening of our new Web Store. This store will allow the public to browse and order from our product selection from the comfort of their home. This initiative is driven by the need for sanitary equipment for employers and the general public, to promote safety during this pandemic. With this website in place, any individual has the ability to purchase one of our sanitary products within minutes, and have it delivered directly to their front door without having to leave their home.

Currently, the Tri-Mach Group Web Store includes past customer favourites within the products available, along with various new products which have been introduced solely to help combat the spread of COVID-19. These sanitary products are specifically tailored to help employees or any individual go about their daily routine or profession while staying safe and preventing the spread of germs. During the creation of these products, employee safety remained the top priority, keeping our essential workers safe and clean.

Some of our current product offerings include:

To browse our current product selection and start your ordering process today, visit and visit our products page. For bulk pricing and product customization, speak to an agent on our live chat or send us an email via the contact page.