Junction Triangle residents could breathe easier as gelatin plant works to eliminate odours

From InsideToronto.com

Buoyed by a Milton-based chicken processing plant’s ability to prevent odours from seeping into the nearby neighbourhood, a Junction Triangle factory says it endeavours to implement the same state-of-the-art technology.

Nitta Gelatin Canada Inc. spokespeople assured local residents at a community meeting Tuesday the company continues to do all it can to eradicate odour, including fast-tracking the installation of new technology and hiring a process engineer to focus solely on the odour issue.

The plant specializes in the production of bovine, porcine and fish gelatins, as well as collagen peptides for a variety of uses, including food, nutritional, pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical and technical. The process of extracting collagen from pig skin is what causes the odour. The company has already invested a significant amount of money to reduce the smell and is working with the Ministry of Environment (MOE).

The Milton chicken plant, which inspired Nitta Gelatin to explore more options, relies on a hydroxyl generator that uses UV light to break down water molecules to clean and deodorize the environment. It treats the air in the building before it goes out. However, if Nitta Gelatin’s source testing is successful, the installation of the hydroxyl generator won’t be necessary.

Read the full article here.