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A holiday message from our President:

As another year comes to an exciting close and we enter this holiday season, I’d like to extend a warm and sincere thank-you to the entire Tri-Mach Group family and our valued customers.

This year, we have done so many exciting things, from opening our new office in the United States, to developing incredible new products, to having Advance Millwrights Inc. join our family. As always, meeting our customers, our partners, and our extraordinary staff has been exciting and rewarding, and I look forward to working closely with all of you in 2017 and beyond.

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to sharing lots of exciting news about the Tri-Mach Group of Companies with you in the New Year.
Sincere regards,

Harold Whiteside, CPA, CMA.
President & CEO
Tri-Mach Group Inc.

Merry Christmas!