In 2012, Bonduelle entered a new phase of development where the company officially launched their corporate project called VegeGo! This corporate project has marked Bonduelle as a world leader in the vegetable industry and this revolutionary project has defined Bonduelle’s future for 2025.

Tri-Mach recently completed a replacement vegetable line with Bonduelle at their facility in Tecumseth, Ontario. During the past several months, Tri-Mach has worked with Bonduelle to create a more modernized and sanitary vegetable processing line. With the installation of Tri-Mach’s sanitary stainless steel equipment and personnel platforms, Bonduelle’s vegetable processing line has resulted in a smoother and more efficient operation. Tri-Mach supplied, installed, and commissioned all stainless steel process piping as well as all of the conveying systems that measure up to 300 feet in length.

Tri-Mach is honored to work with Bonduelle in creating more innovative, long-term solutions to meet the growing consumer demand in the vegetable market.

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